Well, Mark found the tree up in the attic, and I put it up around 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Pretty new lights, cool new tree skirt, the few non-breakable ornaments (this is key!) and it stayed up - for about 6 1/2 hours... Oliver climbed up inside and over it went. And you wonder why we don't have a real tree?
He truly had a banner day - I swear I put my knitting away last night. No, really, I did. Guess not! I had a lovely ball of Noro Cashmere Island #2 stretched from up the stairs, through the living room, around the ottomon, over into the dining room, between the chairs and under the table, and finally around into the kitchen where I did locate the rest of the project, luckily still on the needles!
But guess what? The tree was still standing!
That Oliver is a nauty kitty.... now he shall have no pie! As for the yarn- does he realize how much that yarn costs?!? Give him some red heart!
And to think I went out on my lunch break at work today to hunt for a tree. I found nothing. Maybe, with Miss Lulu, this is a good thing.
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