Friday, July 25, 2008

Hey, people do come here!

So the other day I was on a very cool blog from my 2nd favorite Norma from Vermont (my first favorite Norma from Vermont of course was my grandmother who tried to teach me to knit the first time around) and I found this: Feedjit. Way cool freebie if you ask me!

I have started to make plans for my upcoming Staycation. I knew that the Fiber Revival was coming up that week, but for some reason I didn't realize that they offered classes. How excited was I when I saw that Linda Whiting was teaching a Color Blending class? Paula and Vicky had introduced me to her at the NHS&W earlier this summer and I can't wait to take my first for reals spinning class! Now I just have to decide which wheel to take with me!

Another thing that I will need to do on my staycation is to learn how to drive our new car - if all goes well, we'll be picking up a sweet little silver 2001 Jetta GLS TDi tomorrow! I have told the hubby that he needs to leave it home for a few of my vacation days to get me to just do it. I can't wait! Oh, and my idea of calling a local driving school to pay for a private lesson or two - nope, they won't do it. So friends who have offered, I'm going to be taking you up on that - be forewarned!


Anonymous said...

MAN! I wish I knew someone with a car! I'd LOVE to go to that this weekend. That looks like loads of fun.

~Kristen~ said...

I come visit!!! :-)