Friday, August 01, 2008

Why isn't my vacation next week?

Well, in a way, it's better that I do have another week to get stuff done at work. Our whole building today had major "network connectivity issues" and the day that I was going to get oh so much done turned into a cranky, cranky day. Oh well, only 5 more work days until vacation starts - and tomorrow I get to splurge and eat a piece of cake with real frosting. I love "real" bakery frosting - none of that "whipped cream frosting" for me and when I'm the one who is ordering the cake...

We still haven't gotten to see The Dark Knight yet, and my list is long - Hellboy II (loved the first one!) and of course the new X-Files movie. Even if I wasn't such a fan of the show, I'd still have to see it just for Billy Connolly. Hopefully we'll hit The Dark Knight after work next week...

Time to get the heck out of here. TGIF!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm REALLY looking forward to the X-Files movie. Have an easy week next week, you have stuff to look forward to.